und transit on NVO 022 (2010)

NVO 022 christophe charles / i8u
unter den linden / und transit
on nonvisuelobjects

unter den linden

The “Grundton” of this 30-minute composition is the recording of the concert given at SND STUDIOS SHEFFIELD (UK) in March 2009, entitled “Why is there something rather than nothing?” by Mark Fell and powered with d&b speakers by Tony Myatt (MRC, University of York). The sounds of planes have been recorded in Mallorca (Spain) in 1987, and in Pilat (France) in 2009. This music comes after HCDC, composed in November 2008 after the death of Daniel Charles – his last days were darkened by breathing difficulties, hence the overall presence of the “wind”. The last five minutes were composed in 1987 with telephone bells, a silo and a Spanish garbage truck, under the name “unter den linden”. The piece is not related with Berlin, but with Jules Massenet’s “Sous les tilleuls” (from “Scenes alsaciennes” where bells are heard in a distance and thus modified by the wind), and evokes a peaceful atmosphere just before the bombs begin to fall.

Christophe Charles, September 2009

This world of ours is one relative world. Any number of other possible or actual worlds are conceivable. Each such world is able to reflect all the others without ceasing
to be the real world that it is of itself.

Nishitani Keiji

und transit

The conceptual framework of “und transit” was conceived while taking part in a 3 months artist residency in Krems, Austria (2008/09). While in transit (daily walks) to my studio, I was inspired by a particular passageway in Minoritenplatz.
Like most passageways, which are a means to an end – and are rarely treated as an end in itself – I was immediately struck by the loneliness and practicality of this space as well as the capacity of the users to ignore it on a daily basis. During the course of my residency I collected a number of field recordings in and around Krems, in order to create a series of soundscapes based on Minoritenplatz’s sound of emptiness through the means of a quadraphonic installation.
These compositions represent some of the pieces composed for “und transit”.

i8u (France Jobin)

Follow your bliss.

Joseph Campell


NVO 021
Tim Blechmann / Seijiro Murayama
NVO 023
asher / fourm
selected passages / set.grey

10 -33cm on ROOM40 (2008)

10-33 cm | NET | ROOM40 | i8u

i8u’s 10-33 cm is a audio work of varied proportion and calculated shape. Based
on the ideas associated with String Theory, this latest offering from Canada’s
France Jobin is a compelling meditation on the nature of sound in time.

“10-33 cm is the theoretical size of the strings that makes up the universe.” Jobin
explains, “Resonance is the vibrational pattern, which determines what kind of
particle the string is, and thus the type of particle is the movement of the string
and the energy associated with this movement.”

With 10-33 cm, Jobin creates a shimmering mirror that reflects on our somewhat
limited understanding of these strings as they slip in and out of the dimensions
we are aware of. More so, each of the pieces suggests a visionary ‘vibration chart’,
that explores the possible resonances of these theoretic discourses.

Through sound, i8u’s explorations of String Theory are made almost tactile – a
refined bridge between rhetoric and creation.

string 1
string 2
string 3
string 4
string 5
string 6
string 7
download entire release

Diffraction on Vague Terrain (2006)

diffraction | NET | Vague terrain 05 | i8u

Vagueterrain.net the Toronto-based digital arts quarterly, has just
launched its fifth issue: vague terrain 05: minimalism.This issue is
dedicated to an exploration of minimalism and technology through various
texts and multimedia projects which document and explore reductionism.

minimalism in 100 words or less

If there is one thing that is certain about minimalism it is that you need to use less than 100 or more than 5000 words to discuss the subject. We’ve brought together a diverse range of work which explores minimalism through sound, time and space, questions the use of technology, traces genealogy and discusses methodology. Please take some time to explore the body of work we’ve curated. Enjoy!

Greg J. Smith & Neil Wiernik, Toronto
December 2006

This diverse body of work contains contributions spanning multiple
mediums from: aidan baker, bleupulp, clinker, granny’ark, greg j. smith,
gregory shakar, i8u, jan jelinek (interview by greg j. smith), martin
john callanan, michaela schwentner, monolake (interview by corina
macdonald), patrick lichty, steven read and tobias c. van veen.

photo by Mark Hogben

conophthorus resinosae
mesmer’s pepper
de justesse
snow fleas


i8u on Pandora (1999)

i8u debut | CD | Pandora

Track Listing:Introspect, Green Revisited, Dekc, Silence, Confusion at the supermarket, Whipped dream ( aka Remcast),
9.9.99 even though it was the 10th, Waiting v.1.0g, Lack, Smith Bay.