mirror neurons @ roBOT 08 festival Bologna, Italy


Mirror Neurons @ roBOT 08 festival, Bologna, Italy
October 10th 2015 @Palazzo Re Enzo – Sala Re Enzo

France Jobin
Fabio Perlettaxx+xy visuals

Mirror neurons are a fundamental discovery in neuroscience, which is due to an Italian researcher, Giacomo Rizzolatti, and his team at the University of Parma. It is also the base from which the sound artists France Jobin and Fabio Perletta created “Mirror Neurons”, another step of their journey to investigate the crossroads between science and art, between the visible and invisible, between distances and intersections – the two work very far from each other, Jobin lives in Montréal while Perletta lives in Roseto degli Abruzzi but their exchange is continuous and relentless). Finally, the visual work made in a generative matrix by the Roman collective XX+XY visuals makes their performance even richer.

review – mirror neurons (DER) – The wire – UK



Mirror Neurons on DER
CD + Digital – 500

Release Date April 21, 2015
Cover xx+xy visual

Bonus Video

All orders through DER’s Bandcamp will receive an excerpt of Mirror Neurons.
Visuals :  xx+xy visuals 
Sound : France Jobin and Fabio Perletta

A new release from Los Angeles based sound art and drone label Dragon’s Eye, and the debut from this Canadian/Italian duo. The title riffs off the name for the brain neurons involved in observing, understanding and copying others’ actions. There are parallels with the kinds of shared thinking involved in duo playing, though as it’s impossible to tell who’s doing what here, it’s hard to track how that plays out. The three tracks are constructed from the kind of infinitely quiet, dry and pure drones and pulses associated with Richard Chartier. The concept makes more sense applied to the ebb and flow of the record, with each piece having the organic, unfolding structure of Rolf Julius recording. But there’s traces of menace in the occasional higher volume bumps and glitches and the piercingly high, quiet sine tones that thread through “Reflection”.

Dan Barrow

review – mirror neurons (DER) – touching extremes – Italy


Mirror Neurons on DER
CD + Digital – 500

Release Date April 21, 2015
Cover xx+xy visual

Bonus Video

All orders through DER’s Bandcamp will receive an excerpt of Mirror Neurons.
Visuals :  xx+xy visuals 
Sound : France Jobin and Fabio Perletta

I have a love/hate relationship with the integration of microsounds and stillness; am highly distrustful when neuroscience is utilized to improve pseudo-intellectual formulas which, most frequently, are nothing but containers of deplorably ignorant esoteric commonplaces, good only to fill one’s mouth in absence of veritable kernels. And, in the last years, I also have reinforced my theory about installations and background soundtracks symbolizing – more often than not – a dense fog hiding out-and-out artistic poverty.

Having said that, my curmudgeonly attitude was successfully fought by Jobin and Perletta’s long-distance collaboration. More to the point, the pair produced an admirable example of psychoacoustic exploration able to generate stimulating suggestions while eliciting the kind of retroactive synthesis performed by the brain in the presence of a given combination of sounds. A somewhat restricted palette of extremely sharp frequencies, digital noise, subsonic pulsation and diverse representations of quietude is finely exploited over the course of three tracks. Each segment is incisive and soothing at once, never falling into the “snug ambient” trap. The Canadian and the Italian have really done their homework (pun unintended).

Had I to give a lone reason to justify this CD’s effectiveness, the answer would probably lie in its blend of surgical precision and reminiscent profoundness. The merging of fixed tones enhanced by computer processing elicits a peculiar magnetism: trance, sure, and “that” inscrutable regret, almost tangible in sections of “Mimesis” and “Parallel”. The central chapter “Reflection” is perceived as a mere reassuring texture at first; then, after a nearly silent transition, organ-like pitches (think of the intro to Pink Floyd’s “Us And Them”, stretched and with less harmonic movement) lull us into a comfort zone inevitably destined to vanish.

Put this one on repeat play: it’s worth hours of implicit analysis, while the mechanisms of internal composure get efficiently lubricated.

Massimo Ricci

review – mirror neurons (DER) – ondarock – Italy



Mirror Neurons on DER
CD + Digital – 500

Release Date April 21, 2015
Cover xx+xy visual

Bonus Video

All orders through DER’s Bandcamp will receive an excerpt of Mirror Neurons.
Visuals :  xx+xy visuals 
Sound : France Jobin and Fabio Perletta


France Jobin e Fabio Perletta hanno due background piuttosto diversi: scienziata e matematica del suono con l’amore per il laptop e gli algoritmi la prima, principale importatore dell’estetica microsoundin Italia il secondo, uniti però dal comune interesse per la riduzione ai minimi termini delle forme sonore. Entrambi catalogabili a fatica nel macrocosmo dell’ambient elettroacustico, entrambi protagonisti di percorsi votati a un’arte squisitamente concettuale, l’intersezione dei loro discorsi artistici non poteva che produrre un lavoro come “Mirror Neurons”. Ovvero un disco dove il suono si mette al servizio del concept e della percezione, uditiva e cerebrale.

Nella sostanza, i due cercano di trasporre in suono l’attività elettrica e fisiologica dei neuroni umani, toccando con mano aspetti strettamente legati alla psicoacustica. Da un lato l’aspetto “interiore”, l’attività cerebrale che si auto-percepisce in quanto tale (si “specchia”, parafrasando il titolo), descritta dalle dilatazioni infinitesime a volume zero di Jobin. Dall’altro quello squisitamente fisico-scientifico, l’attività cerebrale percepita e individuata da un recettore esterno, ma anche come forma essa stessa di percezione sensibile dell’altro: e qui intervengono i datasounds di Perletta, richiami elettronici astratti e appena udibili, esattamente come i flussi di corrente nei neuroni.

Cromaticamente parlando, il colore dominante è un bianco perpetuo, vuoto, accecante, invisibile. In “Parallel” questo è spezzato da atomi di suono, schegge che trascendono il conscio per infilarsi nell’inconscio e costruire lì uno scheletro extra-razionale. Quest’ultimo si prepara poi a ospitare il drone di Jobin, privo di dimensioni fisiche e solo apparentemente fin troppo simile a un qualsiasi flusso ambientale. La sua monocromia, però, lo colloca in una dimensione extra-sensoriale ben lontana dal parnassianismo (diretto alla percezione e alla poesia) degli Illuha. Qui, al contrario, la scienza trascende l’umano e il suono astrae verso una dimensione esclusivamente sua.

Non c’è sentimento, non un briciolo di vita: o se ci sono, l’inquadratura dei due li elimina dalsoundscape per concentrarsi sul processo, mostrandone qualche traccia forse solo nell’evoluzione di “Mimesis”, dove le sfumature sembrano per la prima volta intensificarsi progressivamente. “Reflection” è invece il sunto della dinamica descritta sopra: un drone si protrae per più di un quarto d’ora fungendo da nucleo, mentre tutt’attorno elettroni sonori orbitano perpetuamente, senza uno scopo né una causa. La scena è riflessa allo specchio, ma non c’è soggetto che possa percepire il dualismo.

Ben pochi sono riusciti prima a sintetizzare tutto questo in un’opera sonora: Jobin e Perletta ci riescono in un autentico saggio di arte applicata alla psicoacustica. Dedicato a quei pochi per i quali il suono può davvero significare qualcosa al di là della percezione sensibile. Con rispetto e comprensione verso tutti quelli per i quali, invece, la sola idea rasenta la follia.

Matteo Meda

review – mirror neurons (DER) – Igloo Magazine – USA



Mirror Neurons on DER
CD + Digital – 500

Release Date April 21, 2015
Cover xx+xy visual

Bonus Video

All orders through DER’s Bandcamp will receive an excerpt of Mirror Neurons.
Visuals :  xx+xy visuals 
Sound : France Jobin and Fabio Perletta

The lithe, almost see-through ambient of Québecoise France Jobin combines with Fabio Perletta’s fly-eyed dot matrix view of the world. The conceit of Mirror Neutrons, a term borrowed from neuroscience that boils down to the phenomena of reaction, cogitation, imitation, and above all empathy, is tested by the artists listening to and crafting each other’s sounds as they are traded between Canada and Italy. The album is part of a larger proposition including video by xx-xy visuals.

“Parallel” clicks into earshot with a slow rosary-bead count. Says nothing, almost nothing, for a bit. An electronic device warms up, its beeps as slowly as the rosary beads did. Then it begins to percolate as a thin, smooth organ-drone unfurls and puts on weight. “Reflection” begins where “Parallel” left off, with a diaphanous, quavering drone gaining heft before going silent halfway through, returning as a much more confident and sacral tone, a blast in such a quiet context. It eventually recedes to its gauzy origin. “Mimesis” is sharp-edged glitch granules hurled at the whole cloth of an attractive hum, causing it to tear. A second movement opens with the richest drone yet, all but befogging the tiniest, intermittent bubble squeak, before unfolding into a great, big smile of a drone and blinking goodbye.

Play loud—there’s really no other choice.

Stephen Fruitman

Mirror Neurons – New AV collaboration – Sound: France Jobin & Fabio Perletta, Visuals: xx+xy visuals

France Jobin + Fabio Perletta with xx+xy visuals
Mirror Neurons

Mirror Neurons represent a distinctive class of cells that fire both when an animal executes an action and when it observes another individual performing the same action. Discovered by Italian neurophysiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti and his team at the University of Parma while doing a research on the neural representation of motor movements in monkeys, the precise function and influence of these neurons has become one of the most important topic in neuroscience. They have been linked to many behaviours and abilities, from empathy to learning by imitation and language acquisition, as well as implicated in conditions such as autism and other brain disorders. These findings suggest that the mirror neuron system plays a key role in our ability to experience empathy.

Initiated by sound artists France Jobin and Fabio Perletta, Mirror Neurons is a media-project investigating the notion of empathy and physical distance. The entire album is the result of extended sound files exchange between Montréal (Canada) and Roseto degli Abruzzi (Italy). Each of the pieces is based on rough sounds and their consequent re-working, listening and reaction, processing and imitation. The ongoing process helped artists to draw inspiration in terms of stimuli for the act of composing itself in two very distant cities, different climate, time zones and languages. The piece will make its debut at the 2014 AxS Festival.

Like much of Jobin and Perletta’s recent works, Mirror Neurons explores the artists’ interest in intersection between science and art, as well as the infinitely small and invisible. In order to further develop the concept of distance/connectivity, visual artists xx+xy visuals from Rome have been involved in the process. They created a multi-dimensional, generative and ever-changing sound visualization through the use of quiet textures and subtle movements emphasizing the slowed sense of time of the work itself.

view excerpt on vimeo here

Mirror Neurons – world premiere at A × S / ak-sis / FESTIVAL 2014 | CURIOSITY

Mirror Neurons : France Jobin + Fabio Perletta with xx+xy visuals
will premiere at A × S / ak-sis / FESTIVAL 2014 | CURIOSITY September 25th 2014
as part of Synergetica Screening. (see below)

AxS Festival 2014 | CURIOSITY is presenting the North American premiere of SPHAERAE, a large-scale temporary public artwork by Dutch architect Cocky Eek. SPHAERAE is an inflatable pavilion — a component of an ongoing strand of research by architect Eek into the pneumatology and tactility of inflatables and lightweight spaces. Developed in partnership with Synergetica Lab in Amsterdam and the Artscience Interfaculty program in The Hague, SPHAERAE consists of five semi-transparent bubbles of different sizes, which together form a multi-dome construction designed for immersive, synaesthetic experience.

Eek was inspired to create SPHAERAE by 10,000 Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid, an audiovisual performance work by Netherlands-based artists Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand. In 10,000 Peacock Feathers, Domnitch and Gelfand use laser light to scan the surfaces of nucleating and dissipating soap bubble clusters.


Unlike ordinary light, the laser’s focused beam is capable of generating a large-scale projection of molecular interactions as well as mind-boggling phenomena of non-linear optics. Sphæræ’sinflatable structure was designed to both serve as a platform for this uniquely spectacular work, as well as create a venue for other artists, scientists, and performers to make 180° works and compositions which explore the phenomena of light, sound and movement within the domes.

AxS Festival 2014 will present Domnitch + Gelfand in a live performance of 10,000 Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid — the work that inspired the creation of the SPHAERAE platform — and Solunaris, a new collaborative work by William Basinski & Richard Chartier commissioned by the Pasadena Arts Council and curated by Domnitch + Gelfand.

SPHAERAE will also feature the premiere of Sol Path, a new interactive music work by composer/cognitive scientist Bruno Louchouarn.A concerto for solo viola/percussion/soundscape, Sol Path features live performance by renowned viola soloist Brett Deubner, and immersive multi-media by Asheville, North Carolina-based designer Adam Larsen.

Sol Path is inspired by the exploratory path that the Rover takes over the course of a Martian day — a Sol — which is collaboratively programmed by a team of Earth-bound explorers. Sol Path was created in part with composer Louchouarn in residency at NASA/JPL. Through his dialogues with the Mars Curiosity team — rover drivers, artificial intelligence designers, the “planetary protection team” and others — actual data from the Curiosity mission will become inputs to Louchoarn’s composition and inform the very shape of the experience.

SPHAERAE will be on view for the duration of AxS Festival 2014 | CURIOSITY and feature projects including work, as a far-ranging program of sound works, video screenings, and talks by artists including Chris Duncan, Jeff Cain,Mattia Casalegno, France Jobin, Favio Perletta, xx+xy visuals, Francisco López, Intimatchine, Lucky Dragons, Mike Harding/Touch, Yann Novak, Eric Parren, Paul Prudence, Steve Roden, Jet Smits, Julie Tolentino, Martijn Van Boven, Bas Van Koolwijk, and Virons.


Curated by Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, the ArtScience Interfaculty and Synergetica Lab present a series of multi-sensory performances and installations in the context of synthetic biology. Founded in 2006 in The Netherlands, Synergetica is an art-science laboratory, investigating photonics, fluid dynamics, acoustics, quantum chemistry and psychophysics.

Visit the Synergetica website: synergeticalab.com

The North American premiere of SPHAERAE is made possible in part by the Mondriaan Fund and GuestHaus Residency.