Maid in Cyberspace Festival – Les HTMlles: le Festival de Cyberart du Studio XX – February 6th -10th 2002- At the Societe Des Arts Technologiques (SAT), 305, Ste-Catherine West, Montreal (Quebec)
Sunday February 10th, 2002
Symphony for the Devil –
(Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery) in Hobart, Tasmania / Symphony for the Devil – between Maid in Cyberspace 5 (with the participation of Katherine Liberovskaya, i8u and Anna Friz) and the artists attending at the international media art event / wilderness residency Solar Circuit 2k2, in Tasmania, Australia, with the collaboration of TMAG (Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery) in Hobart, Tasmania
Marie-Christiane Mathieu, (Québec) Monument du vide : work in progress
Avec la participation de Stéphanie Lagueux, Julie Lapalme, laura-jeanne lefave,I8U, Elisabeth Mathieu, Claire Piché, Andrée Préfontaine, Léonie Clermont, Marie Sarah Gilbert – Deschesnes, Oana Spinu et Sean O’Hara . Avec la collaboration de Daimon, de l’Université du Québec à Trois -Rivières, de La Chambre Blanche et du Laboratoire de Poche.