Solitude– on Silent Records (USA) – Toneshift (USA) by TJ Norris

Honestly I sit here and wonder how much solitude this lady is getting these days, after spying on social media, what looked as though an all-encompassing trip around the world to down under, only to return to wintery Montreal where she is labouring in her spare time on water damage in her home. France Jobin‘s Solitude on Kim Cascone’s reborn Silence Records, is this globetrotter’s follow-up to the recently reviewed Duos(w/Richard Chartier) as well as her solo Intrication. The incredible (+ underrated) Canadian minimalist composer has broken into a deluxe territory of dreamstate sensation on this record sustained by luminous ambient texture and depth.

Here Jobin has arranged two long tracks, Solitude 1 & 2. The first part (33:30 run time) emerges slowly and keeps rising, wavering slowly expanding and filling the room with a robust yet fleeting array of resonances. It may be appropriate to note that sounds for this were mastered by Stephan Mathieu and recorded in various locations in Medellin, Colombia, perhaps this is a place where she manages to get away, find this solitude, or had a residency? Either way, these are most definitely tones that feel worn, and are well-thawed. The variables between vinyl crackle and wavy synth drone are active and mediating counterpoints. The deeper it goes the more fluid these disparate elements seem to align, reminding me of a gentle wake upon a crystal clear body of water.

The mid-tonal range is a bit of a traversing tunnel allowing the sonic flow to travel through and around the listener. It can be seen as ‘solitude’ yet more a bit detached than completely isolated. When Solitude 2 starts Jobin is playing with tonal separation and multi-directional cadence. The way the timbre moves from right/left channels is slightly off-putting at first, it’s asking my brain to move with is, back and forth, almost like a subliminal listening workout. After some variables in weight and other momentary abstract drifting drone, this begins to glide with its glitchy choppiness, on its own accord. Once things start to become textural and granular, and their are pockets of airy punctuation added you begin to understand the larger concept here, one of release, of breaching the everyday for a sense of respite, however fleeting.

Solitude– on Silent Records (USA) – noCovision (FR) by Thierry Massard

Here … very very close to the ground, rough and dull, the imposing certainties, sticky, indolent, the renunciations, the voluntary withdrawal, the successive contempts, the secularized arrogances, modeling clay of disillusionments, the hermetic evidences, the silent tumult, sordid observation of bankruptcies without stakes, the precise glances, chilling, the sealed lips, the sharp entrenchment, the futile and disembodied hobbies, the petrified virtuous reason, the strict instructions for use …
There, perhaps also here, the awakening, the vagabond vision, the synchronicity, the founder doubt, the nomadic gesture, the air weight, the crackling of a eurythmic pendulum, the brightness, an ephemeral interstice …

Ici … très très près du sol, rêche et terne, les prégnantes certitudes, poisseuses, indolentes, les renoncements, le repli volontaire, les mépris successifs, les arrogances sécularisées, la pâte à modeler les désillusions, les évidences hermétiques, le tumulte silencieux, sordide constat des faillites sans enjeu, les regards précis, glaçants, les lèvres scellées, le retranchement aiguisé, les hobbies futiles et désincarnés, la vertueuse raison pétrifiée, le strict mode d’emploi …
Là, ici peut-être aussi, l’éveil, la vision vagabonde, la synchronicité, le doute fondateur, le geste nomade, le poids de l’air, le crépitement d’un balancier eurythmique, l’éclat, un éphémère interstice …

Thierry Massard / 13 avril 2019 – 05:51


silent records

Solitude on Silent Records (USA)

released April 12, 2019 

Solitude: encoded, stored and retrieved. 

Produced by France Jobin.  
Cover Image by Rossana Uribe 

Mastered by Stephan Mathieu 
All sounds recorded at various locations in Medellin, Colombia. 

Thanks to Éter (Miguel Isaza, David Escallon, Pedro Arbelaez, Jaime Zapata and Rossana Uribe), Parque Explora (Camilo Cantor), MAMM Medellin (Jorge Barco) 

Special thanks to Kim Cascone and Mark Hogben 

©2019 France Jobin

“From Here to Tranquility – Volume 7” Compilation – Silent Records (USA)



“From Here to Tranquility – Volume 7” Compilation – Silent Records (USA)
September 23rd 2016
Digital only iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Tidal, Spotify, etc.
24 new tracks by:
Scanner, Mystical Sun, Jack Hertz, Dead Voices on Air, Ethernet, Randy Grief
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words, Kris Force, Mike Rooke, Robin Parmar
Hawthonn, Tulpa Atma, Metcalfe/Chasny, Gunshae, Aume
Pragma, Hakobune, Nad Spiro, Miguel Isaza, France Jobin
Solipsism Solipsism, Ben Guiver, Dirk Series, Yui Onodera